The Process

An enriched and fulfilled life begins with self-knowledge. The more you understand yourself, the greater your ability to have meaningful relationships at work, at home, with friends and with your community. Relationships are the heartbeat of life.

The journey of self discovery and healing is a process that requires commitment, a willingness to change, fearless honesty and the courage to delve deep. The work can be quite rewarding if embarked on with a sense of curiosity and adventure.

Most importantly it is essential to partner with a counsellor that creates a space of safety and trust. In order to ensure a good rapport, Sally recommends you start with a couple of initial sessions to determine if she is the right fit for you.

What to Expect

In your first session we assess the issue you're facing and determine the outcomes you envision. We begin by exploring who you are, what you want and what gets in the way.

As the process unfolds, new insights and perspectives begin to emerge as practical, hands on strategies are implemented. Old issues begin to dissolve and a sense of renewed hope for the future is birthed. You feel more resilient and alive, more confident and connected.

     "It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the ones most responsive to change." Charles Darwin

Small changes made over time will produce measurable shifts in your relationships, your career and your general outlook. By rewriting the story of your life, you break free of old patterns, rigid thinking and unwanted behaviours that have restricted you from living fully. Life then becomes an adventure with a greater sense of wonder, purpose and vitality. Sally's goal is to help you to thrive, not merely survive.